How a farmer thinks
A random (I really don’t know how I was on this list) publication arrived in my inbox this morning from a publication called Barn Raiser. Here’s their tag-line: “Your independent source for rural and small town news”. The article that caught me was from a multi-generation farmer from Montana, and how corporate oligarchies and government…

ELAW on plastic
Those amazing people at ELAW (website), published an entire monthly update on Plastic, the problems, issues and where progress is being made around the world. ELAW also set up a plastic resource center – check it out here https://elaw.org/plastic. ELAW is pleased to present this overview of laws designed to tackle the growing problem of…

Choose again plastic users and manufacturers
Fast Company published a piece on our plastic recently. What caught my attention in this post was its novel approach to focus on a full life cycle rather than just after the consumer ‘threw it away’. Before they approach problem details, they set up why this discussion is important now. An international agreement to end plastic…

Photographers weigh in on disrespecting nature
In my recent post on selfies and their destructive power, I called it an existential threat. I seriously intended it to be bi-directional threat – to humans and to nature (trees especially coming from the redwoods). A photographer publication, Photography, published an article last week focusing on Banff National Park (CA) and the threat to…

“Look at me!” – an existential threat
My recent experiences in the Redwoods further pushed some thinking from readings and observations about the existential threat of today’s humans seemingly irrational drive to attract attention to themselves. The “Look at me!” drive I am starting to name it. This human drive seems in today’s modern cultural mix as strong as that of hunger,…