Plastic bag bans work!

Plastic bag bans work!

Some good news on plastic bag bans came out of a policy organization – Environment America – highlighted and published by Grist. Here’s the nutshell The good news is that states and cities with well-designed single-use plastic bag bans have successfully reduced plastic bag use and associated litter and pollution. Bans in five states and…

NYT on animal vision

NYT on animal vision

I wasn’t going to post this pointer to New York Times, assuming most people had either already read or decided not to. Yet, the details of the article and the research behind it are just too good to not share. Science continues to blow me away … If this is behind a paywall or identify…

Sperm whales are like Ents!

Sperm whales are like Ents!

Just in case you have never read Lord of the Rings and do not know what an Ent is, or have never heard of Treebeard … In continuing the theme of humans completely underestimating the capabilities of our fellow earth denizens (plants, animals and insects) – dolphins, crows and primates so far discussed – a…

Human indecency – predator culling

Human indecency – predator culling

Several environmental justice leaning sites recently published updates about Alaska state government’s predator culling program. For ease of discussion, Grist’s article is easily accessible, and I think is a ‘should read’ around human / nature morality and ethics. The magnitude of the killing is alarming even beyond the questionable morality of the actions themselves. While…

Did my old clothes burn too?

Did my old clothes burn too?

Keeping with the theme of end-to-end behavior and consequence chains regardless of intent, a recent post in Grist prompted me to ask, “Did my old clothes burn, too?” Did my returned or donated clothing (my good intention) end up being sent to Chile causing human and environmental damage (my really bad output) without my knowledge?…